Dark Walls, Lush Prints

Interior design by David Netto, Photography by Francesco Lagnese/OTTO

I have always loved to be in rooms with deeply colored walls. The darker backdrop sets a mood for the room that makes me feel calm and cozy. At present, our bedroom is painted a faint green, with the wall behind our headboard painted a cocoa brown suede texture. I am beginning to contemplate drastic changes. In another year, I’ll have the budget to replace carpet with hardwood floors, and at that time, we’ll take the opportunity to have the room (and adjoining master bathroom) painted.

I want to use this paisley wall stencil, with barely different tones of the same color. Based on the reviews, it should be straightforward if I follow directions. Angel Strawbridge concocts fun wallpapers:

The Emerald Fan pattern from The Chateau by Angel Strawbridge Wallpaper 

Here are some links I’ve been collecting while I envision making over our master suite:

Scared of Dark Paint? Don’t Be

Bedroom ideas with dark teal walls

Chests to replace our existing night stands, even though I love our night stands.

For nearly fifty years, Schumacher has been one of my favorite textile creators. Now they are bringing back wonderful vintage prints!

Build a Room around One Color



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