Future Value of My Stuff

More and more often, I read or hear comments about the declining value of antique furnishings and vintage items. As a collector, I do hope this won’t be true for me. But, who knows? This has always been true when the selection is mediocre; I believe that my things are curated with informed taste. I’ve carefully collected my furnishings and clothing over a lifetime. I spend time researching and documenting provenance and value. Here's one article that reduces my efforts: Sorry, Nobody Wants Your Parents' Stuff Here’s a more sympathetic viewpoint, with dozens of helpful comments: What to Do With Mother’s Stuff This gives advice on how to help aging parents with too many belongings: Aging Parents with Too Much Stuff -- and Children Who Don’t Want It This article contains worthwhile tips to help you downsize: Going, Going, Gone While some professional estate sellers offer clarification: Who Says No One Wants Your Parents’ Stuff? What’s a collector to do? My...