Peter's Office in Use!

Here are a few more photos, including a better view of the wall-mounted credenza behind Peter's desk. It's made of burlwood veneers, stained green and varnished to perfection. Has four roomy drawer to keep Peter's stuff out of sight. This piece is by The Pace Collection, and has been licensed by Glendale Furniture, so a new one can be ordered from their website (under products, then the last item in "specialty").

note: click on any photo to see a larger size.

A view of the north wall of Peter's office reveals Gary Pezzoli's series of four Big Island inspired paintings, and the cornered étagère. Temporarily, we've removed the top glass shelf so that it can act as the TV stand.

The small corner between the room's two wide doorways holds a contemporary totem pole, of bamboo. About eight feet tall, it's the work of an artist in North Kohala.

We played with using another wall-mounted shelf adjacent to Peter's desk to hold the TV and a few other items, but have nixed that idea. That shelf currently rests on the floor until I wrap and store it, or re-purpose it.

We'll figure it all out. Meanwhile, Peter enjoys his new space!


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